Maternity Services

If you believe you are pregnant, please inform us by using our Online Consultation Service and a clinician will provide you with advice.

Following this, you will be referred to the midwifery service. The midwives can be contacted directly on 01865 904832.

Although our midwives are employed by John Radcliffe Hospital/Oxfordshire Health, you can still choose to deliver at the Great Western Hospital and be seen by them in Faringdon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. A midwife will contact you to arrange a first appointment at 10-12 weeks and explain what will happen. At this time you can elect to go to Oxford, Swindon or Wantage (unless it's a 1st child) for delivery.

Following the birth, a midwife will visit you within two days of your return from hospital. After this visit, a Health visitor will be your main point of contact.

A good source of advice is the site run by the Royal College of General Practitioners called Emma’s Diary.